We all want to make quick cash, but alas! Get rich quick schemes are not true to their name, otherwise we would all be rich.
Welcome to Rupee Gyan, where you not only read but can also learn finance, all the way from the bare basic brass tacks of personal finance to the abstract heights of stock markets. Let’s begin with today’s lesson, that is, Finance 101.
Today, we are here to talk about the literal basics of finance. The terminologies one should know and remember, the type of financial products one should be familiar with, we are going to talk about them all. But first let’s start with the first step.
What is Finance 101 anyway?
According to google, finance is the activity of money management, which means it is an action, not just an abstract thought or an item. We must learn our first lesson from here itself.
First lesson of Finance 101: Act!
If you don’t act with money on your behalf, it would stay in your hands for long. Learning is one thing, but action can never be replaced by mere thought.
This brings us to a deeper question, one with a higher level of relevance to you than mere definitions as discussed above. And the question is…
Why learn finance 101?
It seems obvious to know your money well, simply because everyone else believes so, and everyone else has taught you the same. But then, everyone else isn’t where you want to be, so why listen to them too much?
You need a true reason to learn finance 101, only then would you keep going when the going gets tougher, when most people quit and go back to their lives, thinking, “this isn’t for me”, or “this is a waste of time”. I don’t want this to happen to any of you which is why I propose a different approach, self-nature. Learn finance because you’re meant to, because it means something to you, because you love reading and learning and using it in your life.
Learn finance 101 because you’re meant to.
– Rupee Gyan
Also Read: Budget-ing In 2025 | A-Z Guide | Rupee Gyan
But, where do I start?
Right here. No, I won’t ask you to join my newsletter or subscribe and pay to learn good things in your life. This is free content! But it will pay you many fold.
Start right here, right now, the biggest block on success is mental in nature, not physical. You don’t need to be prepared or perfect, you just need to start.
We will be and have been creating splendid content on finance and its importance to spread awareness among the less privileged who didn’t have a millionaire uncle or a wealthy father to teach them these concepts since childhood.
You can start by skimming through our blog, seeing what catches your eye and curiously reading an article or two, just to get familiarised.
Then, once you know a few terms and a few concepts, you’ll find your mind working on its own, it’ll give you suggestions and ideas to search online for more content, and once you taste the value of good content, you’ll never stop learning.
That’s how you start. One article at a time.
Also Read: Can I Get Rich If I Don’t Have Wealthy Parents?| 5 steps | Rupee Gyan
Bonus tip!
They say the best way to remember something is to either teach it to someone, or to do it yourself in person.
You may or may not have someone to talk to about this but you sure have yourself. See if you can make some changes in your life. If you learn something about stock market, try to put some money on it. Nothing serious, just a few bucks, that’s, quite literally, the price you can pay for truly learning. Or, alternatively, you can do paper trading if you’re broke as of now.
Another possibility might be about personal finance. If you learn something regarding personal finance, like budgeting for example. Do it. Make a budget for yourself. See how your expenses and income line up, like a balance sheet for your life, of sorts.
We will talk about how to make a budget, both for personal use and otherwise, in the upcoming articles. Stay tuned to the link down below for that, We can promise it will be an awesome read for you.
We hope you have a great life ahead. See you again, soon.