We all dream of being wealthy and living a rich lifestyle, but only a few are blessed to have been born with a silver spoon in their mouths as a child. Today, we break a myth, that is, the myth of inescapable poverty…for you at least. In short, YES! you can get rich if you don’t have wealthy parents.
The Mindset You Have
The question mentioned in the title of this article in itself is dripping with doubt. As if the person asking it wishes to be rich but deep down feels as though even trying to become rich is a hopeless venture. if that is so, let me introduce to you the reality of the situation, the bare bones brass tacks of where you are, and how you can get to where you need to be in the coming years.
But first, let’s have a look at the mindset of the person having this aforementioned doubt. We all are living with social conditioning, done by the people around us ever since we were born. This social conditioning facilitates survival in times of uncertainty due to unity in the tribe, but now, we are far too large of a human race and far too diverse of a collection of cultures to be bound by the shackles of social conditioning for survival. This primal instinct needs to rest in peace, for you at least.
You know you want to be special, to be rich, to be great. But you believe that its too tough, or barely possible. “Others got lucky”, you think, not thinking that they were poor before getting rich, duh. And you can be like them too, if you play your cards smart enough.
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The Reality Of Winning
We live in the age of the internet. Where all the information in the world is available in your pocket-sized-device and yet people are suffering and losing their resources and health. I don’t want you to go through that, therefore, we are going to talk about the scientific way of getting rich, a formula collection, specially designed to start from nothing, and get more and more with time.
Step 0: Internet
Start with nothing but your internet connection. I am assuming you have an electronic device with access to internet if you are reading this. We are going to use that to get rich. Open social media because it doesn’t cost money, look for all types of content randomly to get some exposure.
Step 1: Picking A Field Of Your Choice
Next, take a piece of paper and a pen, and write down everything that you can talk about a 1000 times over they next 1-3 years. This is important because these topics and fields are going to become you “niches” from whom you are going to pick one thing to start with which is most interesting to YOU. Don’t worry about monetization just yet, in today’s world, all you need is people to follow and engage with you online, and money is taken care of, regardless the field.
Be it astrology, or astronomy. Be it finance, or painting, or beekeeping. Pick something that you can do a 1000 times for the next year or few. Then, comes the next step.
Step 2: Format Research
Choose from the top 4 or 5 social media platforms that are in major use right now. Let’s say you choose Instagram. Say your field of choice is books, next up you need to see how other people are uploading their content in your field. Learn from them, copy their hashtags that they use to make their posts reach multiple other people, use internet to your advantage. Once you have that down, we go the next step.
Step 3: Content Creation
Use Canva’s free version to create a mixture of what other people are creating in your field. Copy the trends they are following, keep an eye out for the changes that are coming into the market that you have chosen, et cetera. All this can be done in less time than you think, that too for free.
Once you have created your content, upload regularly or schedule it so that it gets uploaded on a regular basis to signal a proper response from the algorithm. Improve one thing in your content everyday. Rinse and repeat. This brings us to the second last step.
Step 4: Patience
Making money from nothing takes more time than most people are willing to give but less time than they think it is going to take for them to get there if they start. That is where consistency and patience come in. Once you have your 1000 content pieces done you will have most probably gained a following of some size. Now, we make money.
Step 5: Moolah
Your journey of content creation would have exposed you to the changes as well as opportunities in the market of your choice. For example, you would have figured out by now that on Instagram you can get paid to give shout-outs to people, or you can get paid through affiliate marketing other people’s products et cetera.
Use those methods to provide valuable services to people so that they don’t unfollow you and run away otherwise. Your following would make you money if you would have actually followed the steps mentioned above and provided them with value over the course of these years.
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The Beginning Of The End
Once you have done all the steps mentioned above, the beginning of the end would be here for you. The end of poverty I mean. You have some money now and a lot of insights on how to stay relevant on social media. use your expertise to market yourself even more on different platforms across different niches from now on.
Make the most money you can by providing real value to people through your content, even if you think your contribution to their lives is small, do it. You never know when you might change someone’s life for the better by mistake. Take the plunge forward! May god bless you.
I have made an entire roadmap on how you can get rich from nothing in this article, if you liked it even one bit or you gained a new piece of learning from, consider commenting on this article to let me know how you feel about this. It really motivates me to make more such content. Until then, I hope you have a wonderful life ahead.